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You are Fearfully and Wonderfully Made!

Pastor Jeff Strite from Indiana shares some amazing facts and figures about the human body.

In one square inch of your skin, you will find: 20 blood vessels, 65 muscles, 78 nerves, 78 sensors for heat plus 13 for cold, 160 sensors for pressure, 650 sweat glands, 1,300 nerve endings, and 19,500,000 cells.

The skin serves several purposes, including providing a protective shield against bacteria and viruses and the absorbing of bumps and bruising that might otherwise damage your bones and internal organs. In one inch of skin, your sweat glands in your body do double duty, helping to eliminate waste and cool your body.

Your brain weighs about three pounds but stores 100 trillion bits of information over the course of 70 years. That storage capacity is roughly equal to 500,000 sets of Encyclopedia Britannica (which, if stacked, would stretch over 442 miles). Your brain does all this and uses less power than a 100-watt bulb.

Your brain is serviced by about 45 miles of nerves that send impulses through your body as rapidly as 325 miles per hour. Your nervous system is so sensitive that you are able to feel on your fingertips (or face) a pressure that depresses your skin a bare 0.00004 inch (400,000’s) – roughly the weight of a bee’s wing falling on your cheek.

A piano has 88 keys, but each of your ears has a keyboard with 1,500 keys. They are so finely tuned that you can hear the blood running through your vessels.

Your eyes are capable of seeing a small candle flame from 30 miles away on a clear, dark night. And they can distinguish among more than 300,000 different color variations.

Your nose can smell one drop of perfume diffused through a three-room apartment.

David wrote: “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well” (Psalm 139:14). No doubt David did not know all of these facts about our bodies when he wrote this psalm. Maybe he was out watching the sheep and happened to glance down at his hands and notice how intriguing they were, but something about his body caused him, not only to remark on how fearfully and wondrously made it was, but also to say this: “My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth…” (v15).

David was so impressed with the wonder of God’s gift of life that he spoke of it as being “woven together,” using the imagery of a craftsman who skillfully weaves a beautiful and colorful tapestry.

What David is saying is this: “I did not just happen. I am not an accident. I have value. I have worth.”

This Sunday, August 27, we will continue our teaching series, “Summer in the Psalms”, with the thrilling words of Psalm 139, “God’s Love Letter.” The Lord knows you intimately – inside and out – and nothing can come between you! Please invite someone to join you at 10:35am either in the building or online for the Live broadcast on Facebook (Honolulu AG) or our YouTube channel (Honolulu Assembly of God). We Livestream every Sunday at 10:35am to both locations.

Ready for a Potluck? After the Sunday 10:35am service on September 3, we will enjoy a Labor Day Potluck Lunch together. Hot dogs and ice cream will be provided. Bring your favorite picnic foods to add to the table: potato and/ or green salads, baked beans, chips, veggies, fruit, dessert, etc. I look forward to sharing a blessed time with you.

Do you want to help Maui? Convoy of Hope is on the island making a difference, but they need our help. Donate directly at Convoy of Hope’s website ( Or donate via BGMC at our website ( (Click on the Donate button and choose Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge). All funds donated to BGMC this month will go directly to Convoy’s work on Maui.

Aloha ke Akua!


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Sunday Worship service 10:35am

Sunday Bible Classes for all ages 9:30am

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