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Jesus is our Blessed Redeemer!

Rick Renner is a long-time missionary to Russia and author of the excellent series, Sparkling Gems from the Greek. He shares this true story and Bible commentary at his website,

A friend of mine had a goat he dearly loved. Very late one night, he received a telephone call from the local police, who informed him that his goat had wandered away from home, been hit by a car, and now lay dead in a ditch by the side of the road.

My friend was grieved and broken-hearted, but he knew he needed to retrieve the dead goat. When he approached the ditch where the goat lay, he saw that the goat was very much alive! Its legs were bound with rope, which let my friend know that someone had kidnapped the goat and then dumped it in the ditch on the side of the road.

Jubilantly, he leaped into the bottom of the ditch, pulled out his pocketknife, cut the ropes, slapped the goat on its backside, and said, “Get up!” But the goat just lay there with its legs still clinging to each other as if they were still bound with rope. He hit her a second time, then a third time. Then he yelled at her one last time, “Get up!”

My friend mused to himself, ‘Bless this dumb ol’ goat! It’s free and doesn’t even know it!’ He reached down and pulled apart the goat’s legs; then he lifted it and set it on its feet. Only then did the goat realize it wasn’t bound anymore.

When I heard this story, it made me think about us as believers. We don’t need to get free — we are free! Jesus’ work on the Cross totally purchased our redemption and freedom.

Although Jesus broke the bonds of slavery and the devil has no legal hold on believers anymore, most believers still lay on their sides in the bottom of the ditch, wishing they could get free. The chains that hold them are an illusion; Jesus already paid the price for their release!

Galatians 3:13 gives us a glorious picture of the redemption Jesus Christ purchased for us. The word “redeem” that Paul used in this verse, (“Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree.”), is derived from the Greek word exagoridzo. It is a compound of the words ex and agoridzo. The word ex is a preposition that means out. The word agoridzo was the Greek word most notably used to describe the slave market — a disgusting place where human beings were bought, sold, and traded like animals.

But when the words ex and agoridzo are compounded together, it pictures a buyer or redeemer who has gone to the slave market to purchase a slave for the solitary purpose of bringing him out of that place of slavery so he can be set free. Therefore, this particular word for “redeem” conveys the thought of permanent removal from captivity. Exagoridzo is the very word Paul used in Galatians 3:13.

Because this word is used in connection with Jesus redeeming us from the curse of the law, Paul is telling us plainly that Jesus’ sacrificial death didn’t only pay the penalty for our sin; His death removed us from living under the curse henceforth!

Paul continues to tell us that Jesus’ work of redemption was the reason He came into the world: “But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, to redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons” (Galatians 4:4-5).

As you get started on your day, take time to rejoice that God’s purpose in sending Jesus was not only to inspect your condition of slavery and locate you in your depravity — His ultimate plan was to buy you out of that miserable condition and then to place you in His family as His own child. You are forever removed from the curse of sin and the law. God accomplished that plan through Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection. It’s a done deal!

You’re a purchased possession, bought out of bondage by the Son of God, never to be a slave to sin again. So make a quality decision to walk in the reality of that marvelous fact!


This Sunday, May 5, we continue our teaching series that asks the essential question, “Who is Jesus?” This week’s answer? “Jesus is Redeemer!” He has set you free from Satan’s rule and authority. You are no longer a slave to sin. Hallelujah! Please invite someone to join you at 10:35am in the building or online for the Live broadcast on either Facebook (HonoluluAG) or our YouTube channel (Honolulu Assembly of God). We livestream every Sunday to both locations and would love to have you join us.

Coming Up: Our next “Drive-Through Prayer” outreach in the church parking lot is this Saturday, May 4, from 11am-1pm. We will celebrate all Moms with a gift on May 12, Mother’s Day. My wife Shirley will be our very special speaker that day. Pentecost Sunday is coming up May 19 and Surr & Hailey Vang will present their exciting ministry with Chi Alpha Hawaii that day. After the service, we will all enjoy an ono-licious potluck Fellowship Lunch. Please bring your favorite foods to add to the table.

Aloha ke Akua!


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