Next Tuesday our nation will celebrate its 247th birthday. What a tremendous heritage of freedom! The United States of America has been a symbol of liberty and opportunity for the oppressed of the world.
And what a tremendous heritage of godly values. Though often ignored by historians today, our forefathers left us a great spiritual legacy. Consider this statement from the book, They Preached Liberty, featuring the sermons and essays of the New England colonial-era ministers. This excerpt is from Samuel Langdon, President of Harvard College, 1775.
“If God be for us, who can be against us? The enemy has reproached us for calling on His name and professing our trust in Him. They have made a mock of our solemn fasts, and every appearance of serious Christianity in the land. On this account, by way of contempt, they call us saints; and that they themselves may keep at the greatest distance from this character, their mouths are full of horrid blasphemies, cursing, and bitterness, and vent all the rage of malice and barbarity. And may we not be confident that the Most High, who regards these things, will vindicate His own honor, and plead our righteous cause against such enemies to His government, as well as our liberties? O, may our camp be free from every accursed thing! May our land be purged from all its sins! May we be truly a holy people, and all our towns, cities of righteousness.”
Langdon’s desire for holiness and righteousness is inspiring. Coming as it is from the president of Harvard College, it is all the more thrilling!
Not only was there a desire for freedom on the part of the colonial leaders, there was a strong desire to honor God as the true sovereign of the new nation and to establish the truths of His Word as the foundation for the new republic. For the Puritan ministers, the cornerstone of Liberty’s Wall was the Bible. “Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty” (2 Corinthians 3:17) was a favorite text, as was “You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32). They were convinced that all power and authority came from God, and that all rulers were to govern by His good favor. Their study of the Old Testament led them to see that God ruled His people by the basis of a covenant. This conviction laid the groundwork for the constitutional form of government we have enjoyed for the past 247 years. We are so blessed to be the “descendants” of such godly founding fathers.
Sadly, many of those values are being lost. Now, in the name of separation of church and state as well as tolerance, anything related to Christianity is being pushed out of the public sector. Religious rights are gradually being eroded.
How do we as Christians respond to such issues as spiritual decline and historical revisionism? 1. In prayer. Throughout Scripture we are instructed to pray for those who govern us. 2. In political action. We have a responsibility to vote and a privilege to support those who stand for Biblical truth and godly values. 3. In love. When the apostles were confronted with rejection and persecution in the book of Acts, they responded firmly but also with compassion. They knew they were to represent Christ in everything they said and did. You and I are to do the same today. We are called to make a difference in our world. Let’s do it!
Get ready for the “Celebration of Freedom” this Sunday at 10:35am! What a joy it is to honor our nation’s flag and all it represents. But while we have much to be thankful for as Americans, our first allegiance is to Jesus Christ, and we rejoice in the awesome freedom He has purchased for us. (Note: A BBQ potluck lunch will take place right after the service and everyone is invited!) Please invite someone to join you at 10:35am either in the building or online for the Live broadcast on Facebook (Honolulu AG) or our YouTube channel (Honolulu Assembly of God). We Livestream every Sunday morning at 10:35am to both locations.
Coming Up: The “Hawai’i AG Men’s Summit” takes place July 7-8, Friday and Saturday, at 1st AG (Red Hill). Men, I would be honored to attend it with you. If you are interested, please let me know. Cost is only $20 if paid by July 3.
Aloha ke Akua!