George Müller (1805-1898) was a Christian evangelist and the director of the Ashley Down orphanage in Bristol, England, where he cared for 10,024 orphans during his lifetime, and provided educational opportunities for the orphans. He established 117 schools which offered Christian education to more than 120,000 students (wikipedia.org). Müller depended on the Lord for every provision and was known as the “modern apostle of faith”. Be inspired by these stories of his faith adventure (christianhistoryinstitute.org).
A land miracle
In 1846 Müller went to speak to the owner of the Ashley Down land. Finding him neither at work nor at home, Müller decided it wasn’t God’s will to meet that day. The next morning the gentleman said he had been kept awake all night until he made up his mind to let Müller have Ashley Down at £120 an acre instead of £200. “How good is the Lord!” thought Müller and signed an agreement to buy nearly seven acres.
A milk and bread miracle
One of the best-loved Müller stories comes to us from Abigail Townsend Luffe. When she was a child, her father assisted Müller, and she spent time at Ashley Down. Early one morning Müller led her into the long dining room set for breakfast but without food, praying, “Dear Father, we thank Thee for what Thou art going to give us to eat.”
There was a knock at the door; it was the baker, unable to sleep because he was sure the Lord wanted him to bake bread for Müller. “Children,” Müller said, “we not only have bread, but fresh bread.” Almost immediately they heard a second knock. It was the milkman; the milk cart had broken down outside the orphanage, and he offered the milk to the children, completing their meal.
While we might not experience such dramatic answers to prayer as George Müller, we can look to the Lord with faith just as Müller did and we can be as confident in the Lord’s provision just as he was.
Moses faced an even greater food supply problem in Numbers 11. He was leading a Huge multitude of people through the barren wilderness (guesstimated to be as many as 2 million people) who were demanding meat. The Lord had already miraculously provided manna for them, but now they are complaining that they are tired of the manna and they want meat.
What was the Lord’s response? He promised He would provide meat for them until they were sick and tired of it, and Moses is completely shocked!
How could such a miracle happen? It appeared to be absolutely Impossible! There were too many people and too few resources! But the Lord asks Moses (v23), “Is the Lord’s arm too short?” The answer of course is an emphatic No!
What miracle do you need today? Provision, healing, direction, restoration? Your need might look to be impossible to you, but the Lord is asking you the same question: “Is the Lord’s arm too short?” The answer is still No!
This Sunday, September 24, we will continue our new teaching series, “Faith Strong!” The challenge this week? “See the Impossible!” from Numbers 11. Please invite someone to join you at 10:35am either in the building or online for the Live broadcast on Facebook (Honolulu AG) or our YouTube channel (Honolulu Assembly of God). We Livestream every Sunday at 10:35am to both locations. (Note: This Sunday is also World Missions Sunday.)
Save the Date: Women and girls, save Saturday, October 21, 11:30am for “Refresh!” – a fun time of creativity, good conversation, and important connections as we prepare for our upcoming December 2nd “Christmas Lunch and Treasure Trade”. Bring a friend and one of your delicious favorites to add to the lunch table. Proverbs 11:25 says, “The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.”
Aloha ke Akua!