You were Made for More! Be inspired by this dramatic true story.
Erik Weihenmayer has climbed not only to the top of Mount Everest, but also to six other major mountain tops. He completed all “Seven Summits”—the highest peak on each of the seven continents—in September 2002, one of only 150 mountaineers at the time to do so, and Erik accomplished it in just seven years. He also climbs cliff faces, skis at high speeds, kayaks dangerous whitewater rapids, and sky dives.
His actions have been an inspiration to thousands of handicapped children and adults since he reached the peak of Mount Everest in 2001. That is when media interest increased and Erik became more well-known.
His accomplishments are significant and are made even more inspiring by a difficulty he endures. Erik is blind, and has been since he was 13 years old.
In 2005, Erik co-founded No Barriers, a nonprofit organization with the tagline, “What’s within you is stronger than what’s in your way.” The organization helps people of diverse backgrounds and abilities to attack challenges head on, problem solve, build winning teams, and serve others. Erik is a prominent worldwide speaker, focusing on the topic of living a “No Barriers Life.”
Erik led the expedition that is the basis for the documentary, High Ground, a 2012 film about eleven veterans who set off to climb one of the tallest peaks in the Himalayas to heal the physical and emotional wounds of war.
God provided Erik with a spirit of courage, and he has used it to lead others out of the pit of despair and depression that they often find themselves in. Erik has said that, when God takes something from us, He replaces it with something else.
Erik has refused to let physical blindness stop him from reaching his fullest potential. He is not living with excuses that will limit him from experiencing all that life has to offer. If anyone has an excuse to sit back and miss what God has for them, it is Erik. But he chooses to move straight ahead to reach his God-given potential.
Like Erik, you have been Made for More! You are not dealing with physical blindness, but what limitations are keeping you from all that the Lord has in store for you? What excuses are you hiding behind to justify your lack of reaching the More the Lord has planned for you? We have access to the incredible anointing power of the Holy Spirit who can do immeasurably more than we could ever ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20).
The Apostle Paul declared (Ephesians 1:18-21), “I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength he exerted when he raised Christ from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms, far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every title that can be given, not only in the present age but also in the one to come.” Let’s step out in faith to do Great things. You were made for more!
This Sunday, June 26, we will re-discover that we are Made for More! How does that happen? By choosing a life of Gratitude, Humility, Generosity, and Courage. Please join us at 10:35am in the building or online for the Live broadcast on either Facebook (Honolulu AG) or our YouTube channel (Honolulu Assembly of God). We Livestream every Sunday to both locations.
Coming Up: Saturday, July 2, is our next Drive-Thru Prayer outreach in the parking lot (1-3pm). Sunday, July 3, is our Freedom Celebration! We will celebrate the freedoms we have as Americans and, most of all, as Christians. After the 10:35am service, we will share in a special Freedom Celebration BBQ. Teri-burgers and hotdogs and buns will be provided. Please bring your favorite picnic foods to add to the table. Everyone is welcome to attend! Water Baptism is coming up the middle of July. Please join us if you have not yet been baptized in water.
Aloha ke Akua!