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Are you living in Forgiveness?

Have you ever wanted something so much that you were willing to sacrifice everything you have in order to get it? Author James S. Hewett shares this true story about someone willing to do that very thing.

A little boy came to the Washington Monument and noticed a guard standing by it. The little boy looked up at the guard and said, “I want to buy it.” The guard stooped down and said, “How much do you have?” The boy reached into his pocket and pulled out a quarter. The guard said, “That’s not enough.” The boy replied, “I thought you would say that.” So he pulled out nine cents more.

The guard looked down at the boy and said, “You need to understand three things: 1st, thirty-four cents is not enough. In fact, $34 million is not enough to buy the Washington Monument. 2nd, the Washington Monument is not for sale. And 3rd, if you are an American citizen, the Washington Monument already belongs to you.”

We need to understand three things about Forgiveness. 1st, we cannot earn it. 2nd, it is not for sale. And 3rd, if we accept Christ, we already have it.

In Psalm 32:1-2, David declares, “Blessed is the one whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered. Blessed is the one whose sin the Lord does not count against them and in whose spirit is no deceit.” When you repent of your sin and rebellion against God and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, your sins are washed away. You receive forgiveness, full and free. O praise His name forever more! Now we can minister forgiveness to others. explains it this way: “To some people, forgiveness may seem like weakness or letting an undeserving person win, but it has no connection to weakness or even to emotions. Instead, forgiveness is an act of the will. Forgiveness is not granted because a person deserves to be forgiven. No one deserves to be forgiven. Forgiveness is a deliberate act of love, mercy, and grace. Forgiveness is a decision to not hold something against another person, despite what he or she has done to you.

What is forgiveness in relation to salvation? Forgiveness is an integral part of salvation. When Jesus forgives us, our sins, trespasses, iniquities, and transgressions are erased, wiped off the record. Forgiveness of sin is comparable to financial debt being erased. When Jesus said, “It is finished,” (John 19:30), He was literally saying, “It is paid in full” (tetelestai in Greek). Jesus took the punishment we deserved, so, when God forgives us of our sins, we are free; we no longer live under that debt. Our sins are wiped out. God will never hold that sin against us (Psalm 103:12).

“It is impossible to have salvation without forgiveness. Salvation is God’s deliverance from the consequences of sin. God’s salvation in Christ is the ultimate example of extending forgiveness. God’s forgiveness must be accepted through repentance and faith. Have you accepted forgiveness from God?” Good answer from!

Are you living in the forgiveness Jesus paid for and gave freely to you? Are you sharing that forgiveness with others?


This Sunday, January 22, we will continue our series, “Welcome to the House”, with the transforming truth that we are called to be A House of Forgiveness. Jesus has brought forgiveness to you and me and wants us to pass it along to others in need. What God does To you, He wants to do Through you. Please invite someone to join you at 10:35am either in the building or online for the Live broadcast on Facebook (Honolulu AG) or our YouTube channel (Honolulu Assembly of God). We Livestream every Sunday to both locations.

The “Joy of Belonging” classes for current and new members will continue this Sunday in the 9:30am Adult Bible Class. If you are interested in, or simply curious about, membership, this series of classes is for you. By attending the classes you are not obligating yourself to membership, but you must attend the classes in order to become a member. The Annual Meeting for members is coming up on February 12 and includes a free fellowship lunch for everyone in attendance.

Aloha ke Akua!


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