At pastorlife.com, Paul E. Brown shared this dramatic true story.
A prominent English evangelist of the past was Granville Waldegrove, a nobleman known as Lord Radstock, who died in 1913. Even though he was wealthy, he lived a very frugal life, giving the major part of his resources to various Christian causes and preaching in a number of countries around the world.
One night, after speaking at an evangelistic rally in Woolwich, England, Lord Radstock almost missed his train, and was barely able to jump on board as it was starting to pull away. But a young army officer, who had followed him to the platform, ran up to the window and said to him, “Sir, I heard you speak tonight. But tell me, how can a fellow keep straight?”
The train was slowly moving. Lord Radstock pulled a pencil from his pocket and laid it on the palm of his hand. He asked, “Can this pencil stand upright?” The young officer replied, “No.”
Then Lord Radstock grasped the pencil in his hand and held it in an upright position. The young officer, jogging alongside the moving train, said, “Ah, but you are holding it now.”
Lord Radstock said, “Yes, and your life is like this pencil, helpless, but Christ is the hand that can hold you.” As the train rounded the curve and disappeared from view, the last thing the young officer saw was Lord Radstock’s outstretched hand holding the pencil upright.
Twenty-five years later that same officer and Lord Radstock happened to meet in India, and the officer told him that back there on that railroad platform that night many years ago he had committed his life to Christ, and that Christ had upheld him ever since.
If you and I have placed ourselves in God’s hands, he will be our strength.
The author of Psalm 46 declares (v1-3), “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.” No matter what happens, the Lord is in control, and we look to Him for protection and provision.
I pastored in the Seattle area for many years before returning home to Hawaii. The earthquakes that happen there were a new experience for me. An earthquake can be one of the most fearful experiences of natural disasters because you do not know where to go. There is no place to run for safety. The earth all around you is shaking, and great damage can happen – to homes, buildings, roadways, etc – in just minutes.
Thankfully, when our world is shaking – whether it is due to failing relationships, finances, job security, an uncertain or even fearful future – the Lord is still in control. He is on the throne and reigns forever and ever! We do not need to fear, as long as we know where to look. Like Peter walking on the water, keep your eyes on Jesus, not on what is rocking and rolling beneath your feet. Put all your faith and trust in Him. He is the Lord of Heaven & Earth. No thing is too hard for Him, and no one is above Him. Your faith in Him is well placed. He will help you to stand firm!
This Sunday, July 30, we continue our teaching series, “Summer in the Psalms”, with the question the psalmist asks us in Psalm 46, “Where do you turn when everything falls apart?” Please invite someone to join you at 10:35am either in the building or online for the Live broadcast on Facebook (Honolulu AG) or our YouTube channel (Honolulu Assembly of God). We Livestream every Sunday at 10:35am to both locations.
Our next Drive-Through Prayer outreach will take place in the church parking lot on August 5 from 11am-1pm. Please join us as a prayer partner that day to meet with people from our community who are in need. We never know what will happen at these events, but lives and needs are brought to the Master for His intervention.
Aloha ke Akua!