The joy of Christmas is contagious—but not primarily because of our gifts of dolls and trucks, bikes and pretty dresses, sweaters and ties….
The joy of Christmas is contagious because of the spirit behind the gifts.
The glory of Christmas is that a gracious God became one of us to tell us that He loves us.
And, in his or her Christmas giving, the genuine believer symbolizes his or her inner desire to spread this Good News.
Today we celebrate Incarnation! Today we rejoice!
The eternal God comes into the flesh and blood of humanity.
Christmas cards portray the little Babe, the Manger, the Magi, the shepherds. Little children learn that today is Jesus’ birthday.
But these pieces of the story only touch the edge of the mysterious event which brings us together.
The Good News is that the God of Mercy has come into the history of humanity to bring us perfect peace.
For the peace of mind and heart and soul that the world cannot give, follow Jesus.
And when you follow Jesus, do not be surprised to see others following you.
After all, the spirit of Christmas is contagious.