Why am I here?
That's a pretty powerful question.
What's my purpose in life?
Have you answered it yet?
If not, let me give you a few suggestions.
But before I do, let me tell you why you are not here.
What's the goal in life for many people? Be Happy! "Hey, you are not going to live forever so you might as well be happy while you can!"
What's the problem with wanting your purpose in life to "Be Happy"?
Happiness is only temporary; it won't last. Plus it is based on emotion, which usually changes from day to day (and maybe even hour to hour).
So, if not to experience a lifetime of happiness, why are you here?
Our goal in life is not to seek after Happiness but to find and fulfill our Purpose.
Contrary to many popular books, movies, seminars, and self-help gurus, you won’t discover your life’s purpose by looking within yourself. You didn’t create yourself so there is no way you can tell yourself what you were created for! Only God, your Creator, can reveal it.
So what's your Purpose in life?
Jesus describes it in two passages of Scripture that are so important, both of them have been named: The Great Commandment (Matthew 22:37-40) and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20). You not only have a purpose; you have a 5-fold purpose.
What are they?
1. Worship God.
Jesus declares in Matthew 22:37, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind." He called it "the first and greatest commandment" (v38). So Love God and give Him the Praise! Don't just sing a song or two but develop a Lifestyle of worship! Jesus said in John 4:23-24 that the "Father is seeking those who will worship Him in Spirit and Truth." Let's be the answer to His search!
2. Connect with Others.
Jesus instructs His followers to "(baptize) them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit...". Unlike some church groups who practice infant baptism, we do not baptize people into any particular denomination. Baptism is a picture of what happens to you when you accept Jesus as your Savior and Lord. You have been "baptized" into the family of God. You are now part of His great Ohana! It is absolutely essential that we, as Christians, grow together in Christ. The Christian life is not a solo affair. There are no "Lone Rangers" in the family of God. If you are tempted to say that your relationship with God is a private one, please know that is not a Biblical concept. We are called to love and encourage and lift up and accept and serve and comfort and ______________ one another!
3. Grow to be more like Jesus.
In Matthew 28:20, Jesus instructs us to "(teach) them to obey everything I have commanded you." Becoming a Christian is not about making a "decision" for Christ or becoming a "convert". According to Romans 8:28-29, we were created to become like Jesus Christ! How do you become like Him? Read the Word! Study and know and apply the Word! Make it part of your life. You are not to stand on the sidelines and be a Spectator. You are called to be a Participator!
4. Serve Others.
Jesus commands us in Matthew 22:39, "Love your neighbor as yourself." We love God by caring for our fellow man. When we do that, we are serving God. When we serve others, especially the "least of these", Jesus said we are serving Him (Matthew 25:31-40). And when we don't serve those in need, we are rejecting Him (v41-46). Wow! God has given you gifts and abilities to make a difference in peoples' lives. Don't just live for yourself. Get plugged into your church and your community and make an impact for Jesus.
5. Go and meet Needs.
Jesus gives us our marching orders in Matthew 28:19, "Go and make disciples of all nations...". Where do we go? Far and near! The Gospel literally means "Good News"! We can’t keep the Good News of salvation and transformation just to ourselves. We must share it with everyone! Don't be stingy with the Gospel. Share it with those you meet during your day: family members, coworkers, fellow students, store employees, neighbors. Help send the Gospel message to countries far away. If your life has been changed by the Good News of Jesus, pass it along to someone else.
Have you found out why you are here? Are you fully living your purpose?
And don't be like Fred and wait until it is too late!