Are you still Thankful?

Mark Tidd of Webster, New York shares this moving true story that communicates what genuine thankfulness is all about.

An old man showed up at the back door of the house we were renting. Opening the door a few inches, we saw his eyes were glassy and his furrowed face glistened with silver stubble. He clutched a wicker basket holding a few unappealing vegetables. He bid us good morning and offered his produce for sale. We were uneasy enough that we made a quick purchase to alleviate (lessen, lighten) both our pity and our fear.

To our chagrin, he returned the next week, introducing himself as Mr. Roth, the man who lived in the shack down the road. As our fears subsided, we got close enough to realize it wasn’t alcohol but cataracts that marbleized his eyes. On subsequent visits, he would shuffle in, wearing two mismatched shoes, and pull out a harmonica. With glazed eyes set on a future glory, he’d puff out old gospel tunes between conversations about vegetables and religion.

On one visit, he exclaimed, “The Lord is so good! I came out of my shack this morning and found a bag full of shoes and clothing on my porch!”

“That’s wonderful, Mr. Roth!” we said. “We’re happy for you!”

“You know what’s even more wonderful?” he asked. “Just yesterday I met some people that could really use them.”

Mr. Roth understood the key to thanksgiving. It includes both Thanks and Giving. Someone thought he could use a gift of shoes and clothing, and he probably did need them, but he immediately thought of someone else who needed it more than he did. Such generosity!

When we take the focus off ourselves, that is when we experience the true spirit of Thanksgiving. A truly thankful person is not trying to accumulate things for himself or herself. He or she is blessed to bless others!

I want to thank everyone who helped "Deck the Halls" last Sunday. The enthusiastic crew accomplished a lot in a very short time. The building looks beautiful! It was a great time of fun, fellowship and food.

Our 9th annual Christmas Lunch and Treasure Trade for women & girls takes place this Saturday, December 5, at 11:30am and will be a time of generosity and blessing. If you received a ticket, please be there or be square! ;)

Please join us this Sunday, December 6, at 10:35am as we continue our Christmas series based on Isaiah’s prophecy (9:6), "His Name shall be Called...." This Sunday we will focus on "His Name shall be called Counselor!" (Note: Come early and be part of Bible Study classes for all ages at 9:30am.) Great things are happening each week so please do not miss it.

If you are not able to join us in person at 10:35am for worship, then be sure to join us online for the Live broadcast on either Facebook or our YouTube channel. A Big Mahalo goes out to Rich and Rona for generously making it happen each week!

Save the Date! Sunday, December 27, after the 10:35am service is our next ono-licious, not-to-miss Potluck Meal. Bring your favorite, delicious, ‘broke-da-mouth” foods to add to the table and be ready or a fun time together.

“May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all” (2 Corinthians 13:14).

Mahalo and Aloha ke Akua!