Coincidence or Providence?

Dan Betzer, great pastor and evangelist, shared the following true story.

Late one evening a professor sat at his desk working on the next day’s lectures, He shuffled through the papers and mail placed there by his housekeeper. He began to throw them in the wastebasket when one magazine – not even addressed to him but delivered to his office by mistake – caught his attention. It fell open to an article titled “The Needs of the Congo Mission.”

The professor began reading it idly, but then he was consumed by these words: “The need is great here. We have no one to work in the northern province of Gabon in the central Congo. And it is my prayer as I write this article that God will lay His hand on one – one on whom, already, the Master’s eyes have been cast – that he or she shall be called to this place to help us.”

The professor closed the magazine and wrote in his diary: “My search is over.” He gave himself to go to the Congo. The professor’s name was Albert Schweitzer.

That little article, hidden in a periodical intended for someone else, was placed by accident in Schweitzer’s mailbox. By chance his housekeeper put the magazine on the professor’s desk. By chance he noticed the title, which seemed to leap out at him.

Dr. Schweitzer became one of the great figures in this century (note: the 1900s) in a humanitarian work nearly unmatched in human history.

Chance? No. Providence.

We live today in difficult and uncertain times. Many people are wondering what is coming next! Thankfully, as Christians, we don’t need to walk in uncertainty and confusion. Instead, we can move forward with confidence (Imua [Straight ahead] for Jesus!), knowing the Lord will be faithful to lead the way.

When we serve the Lord, we tend to experience a lot of “coincidences”. They are not happenstance or “accidents” but rather the leading of the Holy Spirit. Paul reminds us in Romans 8:14 that we are “led by the Spirit”. Continue to seek and know the Lord’s presence; that is how He leads you (Exodus 33:12-17). Rest in His Providence.

Sunday morning Bible classes for all ages is happening now! Did you miss it last Sunday? Set your alarm clock an hour earlier and join us at 9:30am for a valuable time of Bible study.

Update: Our new Sunday morning (10:35am) teaching series begins this Sunday and will focus on “Seven Letters to your Church” from Revelation 1-3. We will dive this Sunday into Revelation chapter 1. Please join in and invite someone to share it with you!

We enjoyed a glorious time in the Lord’s Presence last Sunday and look forward to more this Sunday. If you are not able to join us in person at 10:35am, then be sure to join us in the Live broadcast on Facebook (Search Honolulu AG). The recording will also be posted later that day at our Website ( and YouTube channel (Search Honolulu Assembly of God). Please share these online resources with others so they can also be inspired and encouraged.

Mahalo and Aloha ke Akua!