Keep your trust in the Lord!

Max Lucado (pastor and author) always hits the ball out of the park. Consider his daily devotional, God Is With You Every Day. The entry for August 5 is entitled "No Other God!"

"Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool . . . My hand made all things.

All things are here because I made them," says the LORD. Isaiah 66:1–2 NCV

Most people suffer from small thoughts about God.

In an effort to see him as our friend, we have lost his immensity. In our desire to understand him, we have sought to contain him. The God of the Bible cannot be contained.

He brought order out of chaos and created creation. With a word he called Adam out of dust and Eve out of a bone. He consulted no committee. He sought no counsel.

He has no peer. "I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me" (Isaiah 46:9 NIV).

The greatest kings have surrendered their crowns. Alexander the Great is a mound of dust in a tomb. The queen of England is called Her Majesty, yet she must eat and bathe and rest. The True Majesty, on the other hand, is never hungry. He never sleeps. He has never needed attention or assistance.

From the tiniest microbe to the mightiest mountain, "he sustains everything by the mighty power of his command" (Hebrews 1:3 NLT). He has authority over the world and . . .

He has authority over your world. He’s never surprised. And he has never, ever uttered the phrase "How did that happen?" (Before Amen)

Right now we are dealing with Coronavirus quarantine and confusion plus more political turmoil than we ever wanted to know. We see a dangerous drift in our nation's direction.

As Christians, we are called to intercede for our land (2 Chronicles 7:14). And please make sure to vote. Choose people who most closely align with Biblical values. If you are in Hawaii and haven't yet voted, the last day to do so is this Saturday, August 8th. Drop off your ballot at either Honolulu Hale or Kapolei Hale (7am-7pm).

We might be wondering "What happened?" Or "How did that happen?" At times what we see or experience might seem overwhelming but always remember that God is in control!

There is nothing too hard for the Lord. Keep your trust in Him!

See you soon. Mahalo and Aloha ke Akua!