What are your Top Priorities?

How are you doing in 2020? What kind of priorities have you set?

Too often we travel the same roads over and over, and then wonder why we don’t arrive at a different destination. To arrive at the right destination, we need to make sure we are on the right road.

The following roads (priorities) will definitely help you arrive at the right destination. Don't be distracted by lesser pursuits.

Christian Growth

For most of us, the key is Discipline.

We need to move beyond desires and intentions to actually doing what we know we need to do.

Start this week; start today. I’ve heard that seven times establishes a pattern. Try it with the following.

Bible: How about reading through the entire Bible, or a significant part of it, in 2020?

Fellowship: You will not prosper spiritually by yourself. Join with others and plug into a church family.

Does someone have to attend church to be saved? No.

It is not a salvation issue, but it is a Christian growth one. Few people survive, let alone thrive, on their own. We are vulnerable when we isolate ourselves spiritually.

God created us to grow through relationships. We need one another. We are in this Christian life together.

Personal Growth

Health: Are you making healthy choices with what you eat and how you live?

You don’t need to become a health fanatic, but we are to be good stewards of everything we have, including our bodies.

Learning: Read a helpful book. Fill your mind with good substance that matters.

Don't think you already know everything you need to know. Be a life-long learner!

Keep going and growing!

We are almost 1/6 of the way through the year. Live your life - make the tough choices everyday - so that, when you get to the last day of the year, you will be amazed at how far you have come on the road to growth and significance.

Good News: The Holy Spirit is available to help you make the tough choices and keep going and growing. We don't do it in our own strength only but in His.